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Reviver. Il Sussurro Della Morte (2012)

by Seth Patrick(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 2
8854160733 (ISBN13: 9788854160736)
Newton Compton
Reviver Trilogy
review 1: I’m going to be completely honest and admit that I was somewhat tentative about this read. I felt as though the idea – whilst somewhat simple – had a lot of potential and I feared for the worst. However, I can honestly say I was not at all disappointed. I was hooked within a few pages, sitting up all night to finish reading the book. With the ending I was suddenly curious as to whether there would be a second only to find out it is the first in a trilogy and was overjoyed! I will admit that I hate waiting around for the next book in a series – and by the time I get my hands on it I will probably be pulling my hair out from waiting – but I am seriously excited.The story follows Jonah, a Forensic Reviver, someone with the ability to bring the dead back to ask them ... morequestions about how they died. During a revival he senses something out there, something dark and twisted, and soon the world he knew no longer seems to exist in quite the same way. Within a few pages you will be powering your way through the book, unwilling to put it down, wanting to know exactly what is waiting around the corner.Pick it up, it’s worth it!
review 2: The psychics and ghost genre has covered a lot of mileage, and while I still do enjoy these types of stories I find myself really having to stand up and give my full attention to a book like 'The Reviver', one which adds an original spin to this type of tale.It's set in a world where a select few people can temporarily bring the dead back to life (which is a highly gruesome process) - normally just long enough for them to answer a few questions, usually these are police related queries after a murder etc.Jonah Miller is one of the best in the field, although the stresses of the job and the toll that 'reviving' takes on his mind & body can get to him from time to time. In a very macabre scene he appears to make contact with something not of this world, and even though it only lasts for a few seconds it's enough to leave him shaken and needing some time off - his seniors believe it to be burnout, but in true thriller-style Jonah can't help but think that it's a little more than that and then things get even weirder...There is a lot of character development and scene setting here, and judging by a few reviews this wasn't to a few people's tastes, which is fair enough - each to their own - however I prefer my novels to have a bit more substance and this is what this had. I liked the characters, well most of them, Tess was one in particular who grated on me throughout the story.When I bought this I was unaware that it was going to be part of a trilogy, and may well have left it alone if I had - although as I enjoyed it so much I'm glad I didn't. Normally I like to read a story all in one go, as opposed to waiting for the next instalment - but for this I'll be waiting with anticipation! less
Reviews (see all)
Started off good, interesting! But died in the last half, and never was revived. Pun intended
The book starts out promising, but looses its edge and turns into a sub-par crime story.
CSI with a twist for waking up the dead to find out how they died.
Good interesting unique story, but a tad too long.
Good idea but not well executed....
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