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The Beginning Of Better Days: Divine Instruction To Women From The Prophet Joseph Smith (2012)

by Sheri L. Dew(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 3
1606418513 (ISBN13: 9781606418512)
Deseret Book
review 1: Basically, read my review for "Daughters in My Kingdom." The same issues I brought up there I take with this book-- specifically with the two introductory essays. The actual words of Joseph Smith (a very small portion at the end) are a delightful read, but the essays at the beginning do their best to water down everything he says about the power and authority of women, especially in his injunction for them to be "ordained" and to "heal by the laying on of hands." So, although some valuable points were made by Pearce and Dew, I think they proved more distressing than enlightening. I give it three stars because the good points the authors made were made great by the notes of Joseph Smith's words to the Relief Society. I would suggest, however, to perhaps only read that sec... moretion.
review 2: I've read some reviews by folks I know who felt this was underwhelming. But it is such a small, and lovely, book, that I started it anyway---and then found myself overwhelmed with pertinent thoughts and inspiration. Perhaps it's my recent call to be ward RS president? Or something. But a lot of what I read here really resonated with me and made me feel it was intended as instruction for me and the sisters I'm assigned to love and care for. My copy is already heavily annotated and highlighted. less
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Very interesting and informative while still being completely readable and not dragging at all.
All latter day saint women should read this book. Very insightful and testimony building.
Great thoughts, good counsel.
Sheri Dew is my homegirl.
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