Today’s Short Story review is on Postcards From a War by Vanita Oelschlager. It is picture book for children on war.
Published: September 1st 2009 by VanitaBooks, LLC
Read Date: June 24th 2017
Stars: 5/5
Story is about Matthew Brian Jackson whose mother is in air force and has recently went to war. When he share his feeling to his grandpa Brian that he is sad his mother has to go away and couldn’t understand why, his grandpa narrates his own story of his father going on WW II and also shares postcard and letters, his father wrote from war, to his grandson. Grandson and grandpa together writes a book with postcards from grandpa’s father and emails received from his mother.
Book Description (from NetGalley):Postcards is intended for 4-8 year old, ones who are old enough to understand that a parent in the military may have to go to a dangerous place, but maybe not why. It shows the important inter-generational bonding that families often experience during times of war.
The postcards and letters in the book were received by the author from her father during World War II.
Wilfred Bauknight sent home many letters and postcards that included his illustrations while on active duty in the Philippines in 1945-6. Wilfred was an engineer, skilled in draftsmanship. The illustrations he included with his correspondence look like they were “engineered” – a lot of detail!
My View:This is such a great meaningful short story, fulfilling the motive of making it easier for children to understand why parents working in military has to go on war and how simple letters from parents on war make it lot easier for their family to the separation until they return home.
My favorite line from the story:
“I don’t like war either, Matthew. I have always wished there were a peaceful way to settle world problems.”
The story very nicely described innocent questions of child regarding war and his fears and anxiety of separation from his mother. How we adult also can’t explain why war happens and why we have to hurt people to maintain peace in the world.
I liked the concept of the story. It was really different read with a strong message. Idea of character combining postcards and emails, two contrast technologies, into a book was so good that I loved the story even more.
“It will be our “Love, Daddy” and “Love, Mom” book.”
Illustrations in sepia toned made it absolutely beautiful and postcards were lovely. I wish the book had more of letters and postcards. I loved reading about author, illustrators and Fisher House Foundation at the end.
This book can serve as a medium to open a discussion for children whose parents are serving in military and make it easy for both children and parents.
Who should read it? I recommend it to all children.
Author: Vanita Oelschlager
Know more about book HERE.
Illustrator: Mike Blanc and Colonel Wilfred Bauknight U.S.A.R.
*** Note: I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to Publisher and author. ***
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Happy Reading!