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惡の華 6 [Aku No Hana 6] (2012)

by Shuzo Oshimi(Favorite Author)
4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
4063846814 (ISBN13: 9784063846812)
Flowers of Evil
review 1: The story's focus returns to Kasuga, who by this point has become obsessed with making Nakamura happy. As his plans unravel though, hope fades for them all. Desperately, they each search for what makes them special, while trying to be true to their inner selves, but that is a difficult thing. Hoping to find this, Saeki clings to Kasuga, and Kasuga clings to Nakamura. It is not meant to be though, for in a series of harsh events, they learn that there is no "other side". This is most difficult for Nakamura who, despite her far searching gaze, is not as different as she tries to be. With nowhere left to go, Kasuga and Nakamura decide on the final plan. A much quieter tone follows this decision, right up to a tense cliffhanger that leaves us worried. Volume six truly becomes ... morea roller-coaster of emotions, for both the characters and we the readers.Consequences finally catch up to their actions, leaving each more stuck than ever. At this lowest point, it is hard to see how it could get better for these emotionally raw teens.
review 2: This is the kind of volume I've been waiting for. Honestly this series just keeps getting creepier and creepier but to the point where you won't be able to put it down. By the end of this volume my eyes were wide and I felt like I was watching a psychological horror story unfold beneath my eyes. People seem to love or hate this title but I think I'm currently falling somewhere in between. I keep reading and picking up more yet I continue to be torn on how I truly feel about it. less
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Good, major cliffhanger, can't wait to see where the story goes!
this kid still makes no sense to me. 3 stars
can't wait to see what happens!!
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