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Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take Five Minutes Or Less (2014)

by S.J. Scott(Favorite Author)
3.31 of 5 Votes: 2
Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
review 1: Me pareció un libro sumamente pragmático y claro en lo referente a los hábitos que pueden cambiar la vida de una persona, sin meterse demasiado en la antropología del ser humano y en la filosofía da una respuesta acorde a un mundo volcado a la acción (con poca reflexión, que precisamente no es algo digno de aplaudir), me parece que puede ayudar mucho a los profesionales de hoy como punto de partida.Me ha gustado mucho el formato y la fluidez, cumple con lo que promete.
review 2: As a whole, I'd give this book 3 stars, but it i would have to give it 5 stars in helping me realize that to change or start a new habit, i should break it down into much smaller steps. For example, I've gotten out of the habit of exercising for multiple reasons. I realized p
... moreart of this was because of lack time, or more truthfully, a lack of prioritizing my time. Exercising for an hour 3 times a week seemed elusive, but what if i did just 20 minutes every day? Would that make a difference? Making the decision to do it first thing in the morning before i got distracted with a multitude of other things was key. Still working on this, but it has changed my mindset and helped me become more consistent. less
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This book caused a major turn around in my life. Great book with a huge impact.
Short. Predictable. Average.
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