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Opętany Demon (2011)

by Stacia Kane(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 5
Megan Chase
review 1: Why oh why oh why are there only three books in this series?!?!!?!? I fell in love with all the characters, especially the brothers and Megan herself. And just when I have a complete understanding of demon politics and where Megan stands in that world the series ends. :( I want to know what became of Brian and Nick and Tera. All three very strong side characters who deserve to have their own book as stand alone spin-off novels...maybe? Please, please, pretty please!!!With all that being said, Demon Possessed surely delivered the drama, emotional roller coaster, action and romance I expected. I was not disappointed in the story one bit, I'm only disappointed the series done.
review 2: I seriously hate lag-time between releases! ;-) I'd forgotten how much I
... more enjoy this series, and this one is the best yet. It's rare to find Book 3 in any series even better than the earlier ones... somehow whatever made them unique to begin with starts to feel ordinary. Not the case with Stacia Kane's latest. The intensity is stronger than ever, the danger as real, the decisions as life-changing. How long till the next one, Stacia??? less
Reviews (see all)
Loved this series, but this, the last book, was the weakest of the bunch.
Overall, pretty good. A lot going on in this one. A satisfying ending.
This series is ok but sucks compare to her unholy ghost series.
An enjoyable read, although I found the ending a bit annoying.
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