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Seelenzorn (2000)

by Stacia Kane(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 4
3802583574 (ISBN13: 9783802583575)
Downside Ghosts
review 1: Sleep=not important.Eating=not important.College=not important.Life outside this series=totally blocking it out.Oh God (ha my use of "God" is kind of funny in reviewing this book)...but this book was gut wrenching. In that terrible (ehm, synonym of horrible I mean) scene in the middle of the book, I was screaming no, no, noooooo in my head. Ahhh this is killing me. It was painful to read the last half or so, but in the best way possible. And it is a testament to how wonderful this book is that it was able to affect me so. My stomach was twisting (still is), my heart was racing, and my thoughts rebelling, understanding, sympathizing, and getting angry. And none of that will settle until I find out what happens next for my hero and heroine.But boy, when one wall falls,... more the whole house collapses, huh? Pretty much everything seemed to fall apart for Chess in this book. And she is written so goddamn beautifully that even though it is all her fault and she makes stupid, stupid decisions, I sympathize with her and want her happy because I understand why she's stuck in her loop of addiction and self destructive behavior. And I still like her regardless. She is 100% flawed human being. When you grow up like she did and believe yourself to be worthless, you tend to act just like Chess does. Stacia Kane hit the psychology right on the head (ha, wow I'm making all sorts of bad jokes in this review) with these characters and this world. I was already fully in love with this story after book one, and (how is it possible?) I've only fallen in love more. And I love the tragic sense in this book, all the pain the more twisted and worse the situation became. (This book isn't as horrifying as I make it sound though, it isn't that graphic or shocking in content to be in a different category from the first book.)And this book, more so than the last, left off on a cliffhanger. All the uncertainties with what's going to happen with the sigil, the relationship, and everything else; it's driving me crazy. This review just shows my state of mind because it is more of a rant than anything else, but the bottom line that I want to convey is definitely read this book. It goes much further into the harsh world and troubles of Chess and the other characters, definitely marks a low in our heroine's life, but is so captivating nonetheless that you will not be able to wait to get your hands on the next book. I have to now force myself to go back and read book 1.5, Terrible's book (and knowing what I know now--eek this will be hard) but I'm going to put this book out of mind for a bit and enjoy that, then immediately move on to book 3 and get my answers!
review 2: Mm. What to say. This one was just as good as the first. This is the first series I've ever read that had a heroine who is so damaged (and not really a person to be greatly admired) but I don't completely hate either. Chess has her demons and yet underneath it all she still has a good heart. And she has fallen in love. With who I won't say... LolAnd YES... Terrible is still my favorite character in this whole series. I don't know where the next book in the series is going to go but I'm really hoping Chess and Terrible can patch everything up! I want then to be together :( less
Reviews (see all)
One of the best audiobook voices I have ever heard. Makes the book seem better than it really is.
Excellent series, but man Chess is a pretty awful person.
Wow! Stacia Kane doesn't pull her punches!
So good I couldn't put it down :)
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