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Finding Magic (2012)

by Stacia Kane(Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 2
Del Rey
review 1: I am a downside junkie and I needed another fix of Chess in some down time between books. This prequel filled my time perfectly.This novella was dark. Chess was in a pit of despair and her training at The Church was really the only thing keeping her alive. I enjoyed the in depth look into Chess’ psyche in this novella, her fears, her panic attacks, her final triumph after embracing her flaws, it was enlightening. It contained much more of the backstory I have been craving from the other four books, and shows more of how Chess fell into her drug “habit.”Chess is great. I love the world Stacia Kane has created and I am so thankful to the lovely old man at the second hand book store for recommending the first in this series of books to me. Looks like I have changed my t... moreune about novella’s too, since I have now read two in one week, with great success. Chess, you set an impressive benchmark for a flawed main character and much of what I have read since starting this series has fallen horribly flat as a result. I look forward to when I read the next downside book.
review 2: I don't know what it is, but Chess just seems to keep getting less likeable to me with each Downside Ghosts book I read. I read this novella a little less than halfway through book 3 and it strikes me as very similar to book 3 in a lot of ways. I thought she was behaving unreasonably toward her Black Squad partner in that book and now I think it's even worse. It's not that I don't like her because she has flaws. It's that she doesn't even seem to consider the possibility that her partner (you know, the one who is a full Church employee and has been doing her job for at least a little while) is right. I much prefer when Chess is wrong for whatever reason than when she is right for completely no reason. less
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I don't know if i like, it's a bit strange. Perhaps a bit too mystique for me
I loved seeing her before the drugs and how she came to rely on them.
Short story about Chess Putnam at church training.
Total fan of this whole series!
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