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The Mean Girl Apologies (2014)

by Stephanie Monahan(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 4
1622663039 (ISBN13: 9781622663033)
Entangled: Embrace
review 1: Go back to high school…um NO! I graduated with the same people that I was raised with in a small town. It has been 17 years and I have yet been to a class reunion. I still live in the same small town in Alabama, but have no desire to see anyone that I went to high school with. Was I bullied? No Was I popular? I was, but didn’t realize it at the time. I was just myself. This book explains exactly why I do not want to see anyone I went to school with. High school drama and cliques does not really go away.I didn’t want to put this book down. Everyone in HS knows the mean girls, weather your were one yourself or go tormented by one, but some mean girls grow up and are still mean. This is the case for Natalie Jamison. Natalie is trying to find herself after co... morellege and get sucked into her hometown clique and back into her mean girl ways. After having a change of heart, and hearing her old secret flame sing a song about her on the radio, she sets out to make amends to all the people she hurt in high school…even the famous ones.
review 2: I read a lot of new adult books, as in 90% of my reading over the last year or so has probably been new adult, and I have to start by saying that this book was very different from "the norm". It was a book that was incredibly light on the romance, scored 0 on the heat rating and had a main character I really didn't like all that much but I liked it anyway! It was all very strange.The story is told from the POV of Natalie. Natalie has just finished college and after failing to get a job in the big city is back living in her home town, working for the small town newspaper and back in the company of her high school friends. One day Natalie hears a song on the radio by a singer called Jack Moreland and bam! Natalie is plunged back into memories of high school. Re-living how much of a bitch she was and how her refusal to be herself and own her feelings cost her the boy she loved, the boy who became the man on the radio, the man who wrote a whole album about her, Jack Moreland. It causes Natalie to apologise to all the people she feels she hurt most in high school and she finally learns how to stand up and be herself. However, what I didn't like about it all was the feeling of she was only doing it to get back the boy now he was famous. I didn't believe for one minute that if Jack hadn't popped up on her radio that she would actually stopped following around the head bitch saying baaa.The story flips between the present. It isn't confusing, but it does make the story feel a bit disjointed. Jack is the catalyst for all Natalie's changes and he is a major player in the book but he isn't actually in the book all that much. Jack and Natalie story time (in the present) is limited to 3 or 4 scenes which is bizarre since it's their story! The flashback scenes back to high school and how Jack and Natalie met are adorable and perfectly capture what it is to be a teenager. I loved them more than I enjoyed the present. My only problem was that I didn't believe the connection they had was strong enough to last through 5 years of hurt and separation to lead them back together in the present. Especially since their interactions in the present were so infrequent and their entire connection is rooted in that past. I also didn't like how little we knew about the man Jack had become, in fact we know pretty much nothing about present Jack except the hit the big time. All that being said, I couldn't stop reading it and when I stopped reading it I kept thinking about it and if there was more Natalie and Jack to come I'd definitely read it... If for no other reason than to see if they can actually make their very different lives work.Like I said, it was all very strange. But I kinda like strange. less
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Great story and great read! And it is so true, you survive High School!
Sweet and cute easy read.
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