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Irreplaceable (2010)

by Stephen Lovely(Favorite Author)
3.24 of 5 Votes: 4
1401341217 (ISBN13: 9781401341213)
review 1: A little slow start for me to get into but it was very in tune with how patients and family members feel when dealing with a chronic illness and/or death. The guilt, the anguish, the feeling of being so tired of dealing with such a taxing situation and then more guilt for feeling that way. But then there were about 2 parts in the book where I was disturbed - as in a "what the heck?!? Ew! Is that even natural?!? I don't think that's natural!!" kind of way. Then it comes full circle. Reminding us of the need to move on and do what you need to do to get there feel some happiness again.
review 2: Stephen Lovely has written a lovely book. In writing about Isabel, a young women who is killed while riding her bicycle and has made the choice to be a organ donor, he
... morecovers the feelings of every person who is effected by her decision. The author has put himself in each person shoes and in doing so, also put the reader in the same shoes. I myself have a organ donor card. During the reading of this book, I thought hard if this is something I still would want to do when I die. The answer is yes. This is a book I will never forget. I would highly recommend reading this book, less
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Surprised about the scene with the mother-in-law at the hotel.
It was okay. Kinda boring.
Read 5/09
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