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Turning Pro (2012)

by Steven Pressfield(Favorite Author)
4.33 of 5 Votes: 6
Black Irish Books
review 1: This is the first Steven Pressfield book I've read and it won't definitely be my last. I read the book in two days, only on my free time. I am reading it again. I was so touched by the book that there were some parts where I cried. I felt like Steven was talking to me, telling me to overcome my addiction and outsmart my resistance. This book changed the way I see myself.I am determined to turn pro. Steven opened the door for me!
review 2: Life is about once simple decision, are you gonna do it or not? Are you going to be a pro or an amateur? When you make that decision there is no turning back to laziness, prejudge, distraction, worries, thinking, etc. everything just become to the point of practice and doing, or in other words, being here now, living the momen
... moret, being happy, being successful, get things done(results). Very simple, reflexive and open minded book, written in a very colloquial language. less
Reviews (see all)
I'm ready to shake my amateur habits and now go Pro! Thanks for an inspiring read.
I found it repetitive, contradictory, and often just wrong. Also, "I'd've."
Much prefer The War of Art (which I recommend wholeheartedly).
A swift kick in the ass. Better get moving!
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