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Sandy's Circus: A Story About Alexander Calder (2008)

by Tanya Lee Stone(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 1
0670062685 (ISBN13: 9780670062683)
Viking Juvenile
review 1: "Sandy's Circus,: by Tanya Lee Stone is a story about Alexander Calder and his moveable circus. He ruled the artistic world of the twentieth century with metal sculptures and mobiles. ever since Alexander was a child he would build sculptures out of scrap. The sight of the moon and the sun interested him into going to art school. He worked for a newspaper where he drew circus's. Calder always had wire and a pair of pliers so one day he made a wire lion and before he knew it he out together a whole circus. He performed his circus in Paris and New York that everyone loved because of his enthusiasm. "His art had the force of an ocean. Said Stone. People loved his new form of art and that he created a mobile circus.The illustrations are done by Boris Kulikov. The title of the ... morebook is put together by random objects that give it a creative message. Alexander is the center of attention with his circus inside his suitcase. Right when you open the book the hardcover is filled with drawling's of tools. The title page and dedication page start with illustrations as well. Alexander was the main character so he stood out in most of the illustrations. The wire circus gave the illustrations a relaxed tone because they aren't perfect. You can see the enthusiasm of his creations in Calder's facial expressions. You also know that citizens appreciate his work of art because they follow him from city to city to see his mobile circus.I loved reading this book and I'm sure many other children and older readers would love it as well. I remember going to the circus as a child and loving every minute of it. From reading this book I learned about a different form of a circus from Alexander Calder's perspective. I would recommend this book to any reader who enjoys children's books. In the back it has a note from the author about her appreciation for his work and a picture of him with some of his pieces.
review 2: A clear and well-illustrated biography about Alexander Calder and his art. The book describes his early art projects and inspiration, though it does not provide the typical background that you might expect in a biography. This reads more like a story and less like a non-fiction text. The author includes a note and list of sources used.Recommended as a compliment to the art curriculum; this text could be used with students in grades 1 - 5, though with different levels of support. While a good introduction to the artist, the book is not quite enough to fulfill biography project needs for older students. less
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A partial biography of Alexander Calder, with focus on his beginnings and his "Circus."
Gambarnya menarik sekali... :) penuh hidup dan warna warni
This is a great book about the artist Alexander Calder.
Very interesting, neat story.
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