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Verscheurde Zielen (2014)

by Terry Goodkind(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 2
9024564921 (ISBN13: 9789024564927)
Luitingh Sijthoff Fantasy
Richard and Kahlan
review 1: As sad as this book was, and as grim as the book ended, I found it to be one of the books in the series that made me want to immediately go into the next book without a break. It is kind of refreshing to read a story without a true happy ending for once, but only in part because I refuse to believe that this is a true end. I want to see what happens next, and isn't that the true joy behind books? Whether a book in a series ends on a great or awful point is moot if it was well written and makes me want to find out what happens next.
review 2: First of all, I won't give away any spoilers. That being said, I'm going to jump in there and say that one should never expect that every story will have only happy endings and warm and fuzzy moments. If you think that the
... moreprotagonists in a book series should be able to successfully conquer each and every challenge thrown their way (no matter how difficult nor how doomed those efforts may be), then you want something that is incredibly unrealistic. Sometimes people die, and sometimes people give up or lose hope when they are faced with daunting tasks. Sometimes things happen with no apparent or justifiable reason and not everything needs to be tied up all nice and neat at the end. Personally, I'm very satisfied with this book even though many of the events are upsetting. Actually, those events are what made this book so powerful. I am really hoping that there will be more to come! If you are being swayed by the naysayers to avoid this book, please think again. less
Reviews (see all)
I'm not finished with the book but sadly I am finished with this series.
Very dark and disappointing I'm done with Terry Goodkind
Very good. Much better than recent books.
2.5? This is so hard to rate
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