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The Weight Of Heaven (2009)

by Thrity Umrigar(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 3
0061472549 (ISBN13: 9780061472541)
review 1: I LOVED Umrigar's first book, The Space Between Us. Hoping for another original and beautifully written novel, I picked up The Weight of Heaven. While I soaked up every word of the first 75% of this book, the final 25% left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I was disappointed in the contrived plot twist at the end, and the way in which a sympathetic character's decision ultimately filled me with loathing. It was a quick read, and still ultimately worth reading for Umrigar's way of capturing the truth of a long marriage.
review 2: This is the second book by this author that I've read. I like her for a number of reasons. Her style is clear, elegant and modern and her characters are fully dimensional and well-drawn. I've also enjoyed the exotic settings in Indi
... morea. Her books are sophisticated ... for lack of a better term ... very grown-up. Thoughtful and purposeful; she doesn't waste the reader's time. I admire and respect her talents. less
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A story of love and loss and what happens when grief takes over your grip on reality.
I was entranced at the beginning of this novel, but it slowly fizzled out.
Dark and disturbing but well worth the read
horrifying story, well written
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