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Acting Out (2012)

by Tibby Armstrong(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 1
161118858X (ISBN13: 9781611188585)
Loose Id
review 1: Oh my, so much bothered me: one MC that’s a complete jerk and the other who is somehow inexplicably attracted to him & therefore lost my respect; an OTT bitch of a female character; people behaving in improbable ways, doing & saying things that just didn’t feel real or like any people I know or want to know; and a rushed ending that didn’t really give us much happy-good-times to counteract being dragged through the muck of building this relationship.I didn’t find this romantic in any way. The couple is downright nasty to each other most of the time, trading verbal digs or failing to communicate so that hurt feelings festered. They’re even into rough sex because they have this whole struggle for dominance and control going on. Near the end of the book a very minor... more character tells one of the guys it was obvious to everyone that the men loved each other. WTF? When did they see any signs of it? She said it was how they looked at each other. Glad to know they occasionally exchanged something that wasn’t hostile. I would normally be sympathetic to someone coming to terms with his sexuality – particularly a celebrity in the spotlight – but Kit was just too unlikeable all the way through the book. I never understood what Jeremy saw in him, and I was alternately angry with Jeremy for putting up with this guy, but also for making demands that were unfair given the stage Kit was at in his self-acceptance. I’m going on to book 4 (the other one in the series that deals with this couple) because I bought them both at the same time during the holiday sales. If I don’t read it now, I’d probably never go back to it. But if it’s more of the same, I don’t know if I’ll stick it out this time.
review 2: The first book was about screenwriter Greg and producer Aaron. This book is about twenty-year old newbie actor Jeremy and star Kit - who play the roles of Aaron and Greg in their semi-autobiographical film.The author uses the same style as she did in book one. However, not as extensive as how book one was done (as that was a story within a story). The book starts in the present with Jeremy angry at Kit at their premier of their film. Then the book flashes back to six months, and how Kit and Jeremy met, got together and how it all resulted in the present.I really like the author's idea and she executed it well. There are some elements that weren't explained such as Jeremy's abusive past. I also found a lack of Kit's back story being non-existent. I also found Greg's connection with Jeremy a bit hypocritical too.Overall, a good book with a really good premise. The characters could be more well-rounded and even though I liked them, I didn't love them unfortunately. less
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4.5I'm so glad I gave this series another shot.
Excellent, simply EXCELLENT!!!
4.13 stars
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