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The Gilly Salt Sisters (2012)

by Tiffany Baker(Favorite Author)
3.38 of 5 Votes: 4
0446194239 (ISBN13: 9780446194235)
Grand Central Publishing
review 1: An interesting book. It kind of drops you into the middle of the story, so I felt like I had to work to figure out what exactly was going on. Eventually the books starts going back and forth in history and then you understand the characters a bit better. That being said, I did like the book, I found the two sisters complex and intriguing. Not all characters were as great but the two main sisters are awesome. Worth the work if you have the time.
review 2: I wanted to like this book more than I did. It took me quite a while to get into the story, but overall I found it enjoyable. Set on a salt farm in Cape Cod, the novel follows the lives and loves of two sisters born into a salt family. Lovely writing, but the plot went a little into soap opera territory for
... moreme as the book progressed. I felt by the end I really got to know the two sisters. I can't say the same for other characters, even some of the main ones as they just weren't as fleshed out. Not bad – but nothing amazing either. less
Reviews (see all)
The story was somewhat predictable, but I enjoyed the descriptions of the salt farm on Cape Cod.
Cannot get enough of this author, she writes such wonderful stories.
I didn't like the ending at all.
Love this author!
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