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False Convictions (2010)

by Tim Green(Favorite Author)
3.44 of 5 Votes: 4
0446401528 (ISBN13: 9780446401524)
Grand Central Publishing
Casey Jordan
review 1: Despite some language issues, I will probably read more by this author. This was a hard to put down story of a lawyer offered one million dollars for her legal aid clinic if she will take on a Freedom Project case to overturn the conviction of a man whose trial was railroaded through a racially charged community two decades ago. As Casey battles the corruption within a small town's political structure, she begins to uncover layers of secrets she was not meant to discover, and she must soon fight for her own reputation as well as her life.
review 2: Following on the heels of his well received Above The Law, Tim Green spins another suspenseful tale reminding us that oftentimes little is as it appears to be.Once again starring feisty, tough but beautiful attorne
... morey Casey Jordan FALSE CONVICTIONS takes us into the worlds of billionaire Robert Graham who believes money can buy anything and is willing to spend plenty to get what he want, and to a prison where an indigent African-American, Dwayne Hubbard, is serving a life sentence for the horrible rape/murder/mutilation of a 17-year-old girl some 20 years ago.When Casey receives a call from Graham asking to have dinner with her she doesn't hesitate a second before dropping other plans - The Freedom Project, a charity that uses DNA to prove the innocence of those found guilty, is dear to Casey's heart, and she believes Graham may be interested in helping it. As she says, "Robert Graham isn't just some billionaire. He's a philanthropist." Right?The promise of a million dollar pledge to Casey's legal clinic in return for her legal services is something she can't refuse. So, she heads for Auburn, NY to free Hubbard. Casey gets a lot of flack because of a recent movie made about her in which she's portrayed by Susan Lucci, but even more disturbing than flack is the niggling suspicion that someone is blocking her efforts. Suspicion grows closer to reality after she meets and compares notes with handsome TV journalist Jake Carlson who has been assigned to do a piece on Graham. Carlson is good at his job; he knows how to pander to a rich man's ego, so much so that during the interview Graham became red-faced and teary-eyed from telling humorous stories about eating ketchup sandwiches as a child and building toys out of used Popsicle sticks...."A believable story? To many but not to Jake and soon Casey has more than doubts - corroborated when both have to run for their lives.FALSE CONVICTIONS is a taut, fast paced thriller that keeps readers on tender hooks until the final pages.Enjoy!- Gail Cooke less
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Big fan of Tim Green. His writing keeps you wanting to read more even when the book is over!!!
I couldn't put this one down! Excellent!!
Quick read. I read it in a day.
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