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Above The Law (2009)

by Tim Green(Favorite Author)
3.6 of 5 Votes: 5
0446401501 (ISBN13: 9780446401500)
Grand Central Publishing
Casey Jordan
review 1: This is an enjoyable story if you like legal thrillers without too much legal jargonIt was a fast paced story with likeable characters. As other reviewers have pointed out, some of the dialogue is a bit weak and it has a certain predictability. But if you're looking for a book to just relax with, this one will be a good choice. it's the first book by Tim Green I've read. If I run into another of his books I'll certainly pick it up.
review 2: A decent read. Somewhere between three stars and four. The story became a bit predictable, but was still fun. What always amuses me about these types of thrillers is how the main characters always seem to have an acquaintance which is the only person on the planet that can help them with whatever the problem is. Need a
... more visa, overnight? Sure, call my old friend in the state department. Need help finding a vehicle that is crossing the border? Sure, call my old friend in border control. Need help with information about illegal activity in Mexico? Sure, call the old friend who just happens to be the kingpin of all in Mexico. No problem...Oh well, it's all in fun. Again. Worth the read. less
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Want to know more about the frightening world along the U.S. Mexican border. Read this book.
This book flowed easily. I really like Casey's passion.
Book on Tape - downloaded from Library online.
Enjoyed the book, quick read.
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