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A Tragic Wreck (2000)

by T.K. Leigh(Favorite Author)
4.19 of 5 Votes: 1
0989740625 (ISBN13: 9780989740623)
Beautiful Mess
review 1: WOW, just WOW!!! This book really got to me. The emotion is so well written that you can truely feel it. Ugh, Alex and Olivia go through SO much in book 2 that I admit I cried. This is for sure the book that starts a series of tragic events that continue over to book 3. You see more of Olivia's stuggles with letting Alex in and that hightens his issues with protecting her. But again, this is more than just a romance series. There is a lot of mystrey to this series which just makes it that much better. MUST READ
review 2: Let me start by saying I do not give spoilers in my reviews......BUT this book was the best so far!!! As I read the 2nd book I really got into Olivia Adler's charterer, she's so broken. She went through a horrible child hood. She lost so
... moremuch at such a young age. But at the end of her tunnel there stood Alexander. He never gave up looking for her. The problem he faced was keeping her. They both kept messing up. But in the end they knew they would always have each other less
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Didn't like this one much...too much whining and indecision. Did like the playlist though :)
just love this story
I loved this series!
3.5 stars
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