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Kalon (2014)

by T.L. Smith(Favorite Author)
4.13 of 5 Votes: 5
0992539714 (ISBN13: 9780992539719)
T.L Smith
Take Over
review 1: Kalon picks up right where Krinos left off. Eliza has been through much since taking over the reigns from her father. Not many men are happy they are to be dealing with such a powerful woman. That fact alone has created many enemies. The fact that she's a take no prisoners, act first, think later fighter doesn't help much either. Add in the fact that she's happy to stab you if you touch her beautiful body, more than one man has the scar to prove it. She's a woman with a past as and she'll now have to deal with it. When Hunter, her old flame and not MC Prez, enters the picture, it may not be so perfect add that to a mysterious blonde and we have drama along with the already dangerous life they lead.The connection between Princess and Stefanos is becoming closer in this book... more. Dare I say there might be feeling involved? Neither person is very touchy feely. They have a perfect passion and possessiveness while trying to keep their hard exterior. There are some steamy grudge moments that made more than one rabbit blush. There's no shortage of oh shit events and badass moments with Eliza at the helm. This series is unlike most others of this type. Krinos is completely the un-stereotype of a criminal daughter. The events aren't your average either as we see into different types of families and the chain of command. That alone makes this a 5 star series. The fact that this books can completely blind side you with things that are taking place makes this a 5 star book in it's own right. As for the ending, it's got me on pins and needles. It's a cliffy and a seriously bad one. Like Krinos would shoot your ass for making her wait and demanding the book be handed over now! The good news...It looks like book 3 is from Stefano's point of view. Oh and we can imagine the things that man can cook up in his Greek God head, that alone could make up for the wait. This series is the first I've read from the author, but I can tell you I'm already following her on every media I can find to make sure I don't miss out on her other books.
review 2: T L Smith...you have got to be kidding me?!! The ending!!! Bloody hate cliffys!!Following on from the first book nicely where Krinos is out for revenge.The things that woman does with a knife makes me cross my legs!! She stabbed him in the....in the.....OMFG I can't even type it nor say it!! Lets just say, there would be no knives in any room me and her shared!! (I bet female readers cheered when she did that!)The action happened so fast in this very short book, that I reckon if I'd held my breath in chapter one, I'd still be holding it at the end....before screaming at that very naughty ending!!! I haven't checked when the next part comes out, but I'm hoping I don't have to wait too long.I'm fully invested in these characters. Two people coming together who are at the top of their game. They ooze power, they sweat menace, they are out for revenge and people should be scared!T L Smith really is a very talented author to produce brilliant characters who you can side with and, despite the violence they do, you want them to carry on!Is it gratuitous? Nope, not at all. The violence is integral to the story. Is it sexy? Damn right it is!!First class book! Now just hurry up and bring out the next one!!! less
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Rounding up to 4 stars from 3.5, since I went ahead and bought the next (last?) book.
Getting better and better....ugh wish these were longer!!!!
3.5/4 Stars
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