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Rytuał Babiloński (2013)

by Tom Knox(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: An interesting book, with a interesting, yet plausible storyline. With much mystery surrounding such groups as the Templars, this makes yet another case for one of many possibilities. This book was easy to read, and I enjoyed the back and forth between the locations. Which eventually all led up to their meeting and final conclusion of the book. Or is it, like most books like this, the door has been left open for a second book.We received this book for free via Goodreads First Reads.
review 2: The first book I have read by this author and it will not be the last. There are historical archaelogical digs involved and ancient customs which stretch across centuries to unite the characters in this story. The book opens with a series of bizarre deaths of young and
... more rich British upperclass, an older man driving straight into a wall and dying and a young woman on a dig with a scary outcome. Although these stories don't seem to be connected the author has done a good job of weaving the tale together. It really was a murder mystery with an historical context and a modern twist. Good fun. less
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An okay read.An enjoyable story, although at times there were parts that were a bit slow.
An excellent fast-paced read for those who love historical fiction.
Read my review on bookreporter.com.
It got a little crazy at the end.
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