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A Stroke Of Magic (2009)

by Tracy Madison(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 3
0505528118 (ISBN13: 9780505528117)
Love Spell Paranormal Romance
review 1: Free read.Caught my attention and held it. I was truly hoping to find that once Ethan learned of Alice's secret he would not do the typical male thing and run Away. Surprise he DID NOT he was the one willing to hang in there. Alice was the teeter totter. Up one minute down the next. This book just goes to show a little knowledge can cause big problems. I did not realize this was the second book in the series. Will I look for the first one ? Probably not.However it was a good read
review 2: At the conclusion of the last book we left Alice recovering from a no good dirty low down boyfriend.... Liz fell in love with Nate and everything was hunky dory.... sort of....Well, actually Alice has a memento of her dirty no good boy friend.... shes preg..... and Liz deci
... moreded to pass a little magic on to her. To make things a little more complicated.... Alice took a new job at an advertising agency and there's sparks with the boss and GRANDMA has now accepted a job as a temp secretary and Alice isn't sure which way to turn!!!!!I love this fractured fairy tale! It's hard to put down and continually brings a smile to your face! less
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Just as fun as the first one! I liked it even more because the unneeded sex was left out.
It was a good read. Not too different from the first book, but entertaining.
Such a cute series! Love this one.
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