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The Mysterious Benedict Society And The Prisoner's Dilemma (2009)

by Trenton Lee Stewart(Favorite Author)
4.26 of 5 Votes: 1
0307582396 (ISBN13: 9780307582393)
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The Mysterious Benedict Society
review 1: Have read this book and the others multiple times with my kids and they love to speculate on who is which character (Will is Reinie, Eva is Kate and Lyra is undoubtedly Constance Contraire!) I usually get impatient with the constant series format of books that should never had gone past 1 or 2 volumes but this group of books is quite good and has enough adventure to fill the books as written. The Mysterious Benedict Society would (conceptually) make a great movie except that I know it wouldn't actually live up to my imagination of it. The fact that there are no movies makes me think the author is similarly opposed.
review 2: I felt like this one had a slow start but eventually gained steam. The children continue to be the strongest characters and that drives my
... more continuing interest in the series. While this was an enjoyable read, it wasn't as strong as book 2. The plot seemed primarily focused on kidnapping and holding the children. The villain, Mr. Curtain, certainly had big plans but they just always seemed to be in the background. It began to feel like they were just an excuse to give lots of great escape attempts for Kate and the rest. less
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Started Friday evening and finished over the holiday weekend; Good read and entertaining.
Good as always. Really entertaining.I always love stories about genius kids.
A wonderful ending to the series!
Wonderful bedtime story.
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