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Death Date (2000)

by Victoria Laurie(Favorite Author)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 2
1491537256 (ISBN13: 9781491537251)
review 1: – This is a really fast-paced, entertaining, well written and suspenseful, strong mystery. Maddie is an interesting, likeable main character who has great depth in the story; a story which is quite believable. The mystery revolves around who is abducting and murdering children and there are loads of suspects; except, the Feds and police are looking at the wrong suspects (Maddie and Stubs). This is all very frustrating for Maddie and the reader; but, when Maddie offers a demonstration of her abilities to the Feds the reader will cheer! I can’t say this enough: it is a very well-written novel that will not disappoint a reader looking for a good mystery; there are no dead spots (excuse the pun) in the story and you will want to read every word. This novel is hi... moreghly suspenseful with edge of your seat writing. I simply couldn’t put it down.
review 2: I loved this book! Maddie's ability to see anyone's death date would be a hard thing for anyone to deal with, but when it puts Maddie and her best friend in the sights of a serial killer and the FBI, it makes life almost unbearable. Maddie couldn't save her dad from dying when she was a kid. Now she's a teen and uses her ability only to make a few dollars for her and her mom. Some people don't believe her, but some do. A 13-year-old boy goes missing after Maddie warn his mom of his impending death date. When the police find his body, fingers point to Maddie and her best friend. A second warning and a second body don't help matters. Unless Maddie can figure this out, the FBI will be arresting her soon. less
Reviews (see all)
A great murder/mystery for young adults. I never saw the twist at the end of the story coming.
Amazing!!! Super intense and something you cannot put down!
I absolutely love the ending.
2.5 stars
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