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Rocky Mountain Heat (2011)

by Vivian Arend(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 1
1609285514 (ISBN13: 9781609285517)
Samhain Publishing
Six Pack Ranch
review 1: This was all over the place and the editing was no help plus the whole spelling a different way that looks misspelled in the states didn't help at all. If you can wade through it Jax and Blake's story is actually pretty good. Like the whole movie scene, I didn't really know what the hell was going on but the pieces I put together had me laughing. Didn't quite like the, "all the brothers ran thru" her deal, not really, but it made for good goading to push them together. I really want to know what's the deal with Travis, I'm hoping the author don't do the obvious, "I have a secret" thing but makes it into something extra edgy but "straight". I don't know why but from the intro of Helen I didn't like her character. I'm hoping that someone new steps up for Matt because that re... morelationship seems to have taken it's course. Maybe she'd be better off with the twins, then again I just don't like her character so maybe not. I'll read the next one just because I'm a sucker for punishment and want to see what happens with the rest of them.
review 2: Six Pack Ranch #1I got this book for free on amazon.Jaxi wants nothing more than to have a husband, ranch and family. She has decided that Blake Coleman is the man that she wants. He is ten years older than her and he wants her - she does not know - but he feels that she is too young for him. She has practically grown up on his family's ranch.Mrs. Coleman breaks her arm and Jaxi is there to help out until she is better. Jaxi gets the twins to help her force Blake to realize that he wants her. It works! They have a night of passion. then Blake decides he wants to woo Jaxi - no sex though. He wants to see if there is more between them. Jaxi already loves him so she agrees.Matt, one of Blake's brothers, is having trouble with his girlfriend, Helen. He has loved her forever but she has never said that she loves him. He wants to move in with her. She wants to have a threesome. Will they?One thing that I loved about this book is that there was no damaged man for the woman to rescue with her love. I enjoyed the feelings within the Coleman family and Jaxi's yearning to have that in her life. I will be reading more from this author. less
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Oh la la. Vivian Arend sure can write a steam scene. Wowza.
loved it
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