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L’uomo Alla Ricerca Di Dio (1990)

4.39 of 5 Votes: 2
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.
review 1: A friend recently asked me if I knew of any simple, comparative overviews on religions of the world. While this handy little text does guide you through a brief, simple overview of some ten faith systems, it is by no means objective. Throughout the text, there is a clear bias which continuously suggests in a very polite tone that the overviews of other religious beliefs only go to "prove" that there is "one true God." The presumption is implied that said deity can be found only through devout Christianity, preferably as interpreted through the lens of Jehovah's Witnesses dogma. So, again, some good, basic info on various belief systems but take it with a grain of salt. Unless, of course, you're already a Jehovah's Witness. Then, the text simply becomes familiar c... moreanon.
review 2: I was handed this book by a 'supposed'Hindu today at a gas station. I've been studying The Vedas and the Bhagavadgita and have found this to be MY calling. I simply asked if he were Hindu; he replied, "Yes." So I continued to ask him what temple he attended and he told me the location of one. I was excited to finally continue with my beliefs and philosophy and learn further teachings from a guru. On my way out, he handed me this book. I didn't realize till I got home this was a Jehovah Witness' book. They say the end of the world will come like a thief in the night. That's because they master the art of deceiving. If this was the appropriate manner to bring about their faith, Karma will not turn it's cheek. On the lighter side, I learned a lot more about Hinduism. And this book only convinces me more of my transcendental knowledge. "Name a friend too often and we feel that a wrong is done to the friend and to ourselves. Yet you name the good Jesus until I hate the sound of him. All that you say is just as true without the tedious use of that symbol as with it. Let us have a little algebra instead of this trite rhetoric, universal signs instead of the village symbols, and we shall both be gainers!" _Ralph Waldo Emerson less
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One of my favorite peices of literature. So illuminating and easy for anyone to comprehend.
i just want to read this book.
Great Book
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