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Son Of A Ditch (2011)

by William Neale(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 4
MLR Press
review 1: I am a little bleary eyed this afternoon because I was up rather late last night and then had to work all day and I can lay all of the blame at one persons feet.....William Neale. He went and did it again! If you have read any of my previous blogs about Mr. Neale you know I came into this book as a fan of his writing skills. He has the ability to pull me into a story and make the character's come alive. His newest release is Son of a Ditch and it is the second in the Home series and I truly hope it's not the last.After serving his country in the Air Force,Colby has returned home to go to college and recover from a bad break-up.When his father refused to send him to college wanting instead to send him to a trade school Colby decided he was just going to do it on his own,and... more that is what he is back to do. His first stop is home to have some of his mama's home cooking, unfortunately she starts in on him about going back to work for the family construction company and rather than argue with her he leaves to find a place of his own.When he runs into Kyle, a childhood friend, at the local diner it is a fortuitous meeting for both. Kyle just recently moved out of his dad's place and is looking for a roommate and Colby needs a place to stay. The two are excited about renewing their friendship but Colby feels it necessary to let Kyle know that he is gay. What Colby doesn't know is that Kyle is gay too and has a few secrets of his own. As the two get to know one another again and rebuild their friendship they can't deny the attraction they feel.When the two finally come together and try to build their friendship into something more outside forces may separate them permanently.This book is a winner for me for a couple of different reasons. The first is the love story because lets face it that's why we read romance. The realtionship that develops between Kyle and Colby was incredible to read. When one of them would make a sappy comment and the other would make fun of them for it, it felt very real. Writing emotional, loving character's is what Mr. Neale does best. The second is the family relationships that were brought into this story line. Ruth has to be one of my favorite moms....she may not be the head of the family but she is the neck and we all know that the neck controls the head. The need that Kyle feels to connect to Colby's mom in the absence of his mom made my heart hurt.It was nice to get glimpses of not only Luc and Rogan's life but the flashbacks we get of how Tag and Clay met were fun to read. If you are looking for a fantastic romance that will sweep you away and doesn't apologize for doing just that, then this is a book that you will want to add to your library. I give Son of a Ditch 5 chocolate dipped strawberries.
review 2: AMAZING READ!!!!!!!!!! Political, family and romantic drama at its best. A Plus-Novel with never a dull moment. Excellent plot, Fast paced, clever, great main characters and great secondary characters.The City of Moorestown is a small town in East Tennessee with only one taxi service, though it is the seventh largest city in the state. It is a kind of progressive town with a black mayor and a couple of accepted - or tolerated - openly gay men, married together and both members of the Moorestown Police Department (MPD). But Moorestwon is also the biggest city in the state without a state college or university and that is where everything started. Colby spent 8 years in the army and is now back in his hometown with the plan to enrol at the new university & finally get a degree. Kyle, a childhood best friend and the deputy sheriff is also thinking about enrolling at the university. They bond over university plans, decide to room together and the chemistry will do the rest. Not that the HEA will be so easy. No, being is love is the easy part. Building a relationship in a chaotic political, family and sexual environment will be really tough. They will have to prove that they are wise, clever, patient, understanding, determined, courageous, hard-working, loving, forgiving, faithful etc. They'll have to be saints, but they are not so they'll make errors, but they'll learn. Meanwhile, the corrupt governor who agreed to create the university in Moorestown is now trying to build a prison near the same university. His motives are all wrong, of course, but did that ever stop a real villain? The town and his inhabitants, led by Colby's powerful family, will start a merciless fight against the Prison project, using legal and illegal means. Colby, Kyle and their relationship will end up in the crossfire. The political fight is realistic, clever and well written. As I said before, there is also a bunch of well developed secondary characters. They bring short little dramas of their own, though everything is linked to the main story. That was a welcomed bonus.The only thing I didn't like much was the resolution of the family drama> I felt like it was rushed and unbelievable. But in spite of that, it was a fantastic read! Recommended. CLEVER and delightful full-length romances such as this one are rare. less
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