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Alex Rider Pack Collection (2000)

by Anthony Horowitz(Favorite Author)
4.47 of 5 Votes: 4
1780485468 (ISBN13: 9781780485461)
review 1: This is a great book I like how the alast book in the series is told in a different perspective by yassen gregorovitch instead of by alex rider.Also I like how he is only 14 but he goes on 9 life threatening adventures, but I don't think that the rock trap should have been tiggered by the shark and not by alex and also if it killed the shark then how did he get out of the tunnel wouldn't it be blocked by the body and by the staliamites and stalagtites that were sticking out of the body of the great white.even though that didn't make sense I still lovwe this book series and suggest that you read it. this is a mystery/action adventure book.
review 2: By: Anthony HorowitzThe Alex Rider series genre is a Spy Fiction, Thriller (Action, Adventure).Alex is a 14 year o
... moreld kid whose uncle was shot when he was driving home from work. Alex found out that his uncle was not only a spy, but MI6’s best agent. Alex decides to join the MI6 as well because he wants to find the assassin who killed his uncle. He goes around the world killing bad people that are going to do stuff like explode the world. This a a series that is still being made today. Someone that would like these books would be someone that likes fighting and always liking to be at the edge of their seat waiting to come back to the book for another great adventure. I liked the book because it kept me at the edge of my seat for every book, it had so much details to keep me on the edge waiting for something else to happen. less
Reviews (see all)
One of my favorite series I have ever read good for anyone who likes a modern fiction action story.
nice read...its good for those of beginner levels or for those who want light reading...
This book is full of fun packed action!
An amazing ride! Unputdownable.
great action books
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