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Purpose Of Man: Designed To Worship (2009)

by A.W. Tozer(Favorite Author)
4.2 of 5 Votes: 5
1441267484 (ISBN13: 9781441267481)
Bethany House Publishers
review 1: The writings of Tozer always bring something to light, and are often rich and full of truth. In “The Purpose of Man: Designed to Worship” Tozer talks about Man, how we started out and how we messed up his purpose and the restoration of his purpose for worship. what worship is and what all in entails and how we can worship, where we are to worship, and he even talks some about our sometimes misguided ideals of worship, and many just think of singing praise songs when it comes to worship, but worship is truly more than that. Tozer knows that worship is too be a lifestyle, to be apart of our whole life. It also challenges and calls any believer to truly seek to worship God with their life. It is definitely a book I would recommend.
review 2: After reading a q
... moreuote by him in an article ("Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God."), I was interested to learn more about him and his writings. Knowing not much more than the title of this book, I ordered a copy. I never realized how timely this book would be. It was a God-sent and it's quite possibly one of the most life changing books I've ever read. It is well worth the read, and will more than likely draw you closer to God in the process. less
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Great read! Final chapter alone is worth the price of the book.
One for taking notes and re-reading.
Lots of good thoughts on worship.
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