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Grow Up (2011)

by Ben Brooks(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 4
0857861875 (ISBN13: 9780857861870)
Canongate Books
review 1: Pure fucking gold. This Ben Brooks guy is definitely going places. It had some flaws but hey, let's be good and forgive the young. It made me laugh out loud in public and slightly look like a psycho, which is probably classified as a bad thing but you know. Harsh? Certainly. Basically Chuck Palahniuk meets Skins, the TV show. Packed with witty, clever, crying-laughing humor. Rating 5/5 and a cookie.
review 2: This book is brilliant! Had me laughing from beginning to end. As an 18 year old myself I connected with the book a lot, however this book obviously isn't for younger readers. I bought the book because I liked the look of the front cover, I know you should never judge a book by its cover, but in this case the great cover reflected a great book. I started r
... moreeading this book knowing absolutely nothing about it, so I didn't really know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised, and it's easily one of my favourite books now. Yes, there are some fairly weird bits in the book...but you have to embrace the weirdness. This book is hilarious. Definitely worth the 5 stars! less
Reviews (see all)
it's deffinitely one of my favourite books. it's very well written and it's hilarious!
Pretty hip. Not the storyline I'd like to read, but well organized and executed.
Very good book, slightly disappointed with the ending
Just weird and random but still brilliant
A fun and nostalgic read
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