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Ta Ta For Now! (2000)

by Bethany Lopez(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 1
1463563388 (ISBN13: 9781463563387)
Stories About Melissa
review 1: From the Author: Melissa begins her freshman year with one goal in mind, getting Brian Jackson to be her boyfriend. She will soon learn that things don't necessarily turn out the way you plan them, the value of true friendship, and the importance of family.From Me: I am glad I read this book but would really recommend to women with young girls, especially around middle school or Jr. High Age. It's written in Diary form and really accurately depicts what it's like to be 14 and THINK you've met the man of your dreams. We all know that there are no men at the age of 14. This is a sweet book that you can feel good about your daughter reading... There is no sex but their is a first kiss and a situation that every girl will be faced with that the character Melissa is stron... moreg enough to walk away from. I am not rating with stars because I'm way over the age to have read this book since I have adult children. It is a sweet read and would be great for a 10-14 year old girl. Penned Con Author-- 9/12/14
review 2: *I received this book free through a goodreads giveaway* I really enjoyed this book and I am not even remotely the target audience. This book is meant for tween girls and I am an adult male. I loved the gimmick of it being a girl's journal. At first I was skeptical of the idea, but I ended up really liking it. The journal sounds like it was written by a teenage girl and the events written about in the journal are very realistic (my high school experience was similar) so it is well written. My one tiny gripe - and I am being very nit-picky here - is that there is a conflict (I don't do spoilers so I will keep it general here) that is resolved at the very end in one paragraph that seemed a little too pat and convenient and too quick - it didn't quite ring true. Otherwise, very good. :) less
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