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Icons Of England (2010)

by Bill Bryson(Favorite Author)
3.3 of 5 Votes: 4
0552776351 (ISBN13: 9780552776356)
Black Swan
review 1: A collections of essays from a huge number of contributors writing about their icons of England. Lovely insight into different things that are important top people from village cricket to the English weather. The book makes me want to find out even more and certainly visit some of the places and lookout for the sites. How privileged we are to live in such an age where we have time, money a means to access and enjoy plus celebrate England, the English and Englishness.
review 2: As a big Bill Bryson fan, I bought "Icons of England" purely because it has his name on the cover (and yes, I know it is edited by, rather than written by Bill). Unfortunately it is disappointing. Some articles, I liked a lot but largely they were completely unmemorable, short on fact
... moreand long on reminiscing about the past. As such I suggest they are perhaps only really of interest to their writers. The articles' only saving grace is that each is very short, allowing the reader to quickly skip through each one. less
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A little uneven, even uninspiring in places, but still a pretty good way to while away a few hours.
Great read if you're a nostalgic, anglophile like me
Probably better for someone from England
Summer reading.
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