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There Is No Year (2011)

by Blake Butler(Favorite Author)
3.54 of 5 Votes: 5
0061997420 (ISBN13: 9780061997426)
Harper Perennial
review 1: I don't really know what to write about this book except that it was a lot of fun to read. The content of the book was remarkable but also the context. I guess it's 'speculative fiction' or a 'new order'. I've read that the book is a reinvention of the novel. Maybe not, but it certainly is a new way to decorate the tree. The print layout, changing paper color, and artwork was so interesting that I found myself going back to see if I could understand the significance. I wasn't able, but don't let that stop you from reading it. Go on.
review 2: I want to say someting so totally intelligent and blow all your minds. In truth I enjoyed this book, I found the language to be very honest and the characters (even without names) to be very bare and so truthful.
... moreHowever, I did only read the book one time, and I will not begin to claim that I understood every last bit of it. I do plan to read his other books and I will come back to this as it is an such absorbing, amazing book worth going back and reading again and again. Check it out with this caveat: have an open mind. less
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Basically, this book gave me nightmares for a week. I love it so much.
Not a fan...was too odd...couldnt finish
house was haunted as fuck yo
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