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Jack With A Twist: Engaging Your Adversary And Other Things They Don't Teach You In Law School (Brooke Miller, #2) (2008)

by Brenda Janowitz(Favorite Author)
3.51 of 5 Votes: 2
0373895550 (ISBN13: 9780373895557)
Red Dress Ink
review 1: The reviews had me hopeful for this book that I got for free on Amazon...and boy, was I let down. The plot line was pretty static, nothing was "OMG" exciting, and the protagonist was a brat...all in all, I was completely underwhelmed. I even considered just not finishing it, but I really hate to not finish books. I always hold out hope that maybe the ending will help redeem the book. Wrong. I feel like this book wasted my time. I don't recommend it even for a mindless summer read. Just not a fan.
review 2: A refreshing twist on the typical romance novel. I admit, one of the reasons I am not a huge fan of regular romance novels is because all of the characters seem to be the same woman, in a different outfit and location. Janowitz created a character for this da
... morey and age, that pretty much any woman can easily relate to. Brooke Miller is a shining star in literature for characters capable of standing tall, Janowitz did a remarkable job in her leading characters creation. Ranking right up there with other powerhouse characters like those found in a Sophie Kinsella novel. Brooke has a nice level of sass, and knows how to carry herself, but is also not afraid to accept that she is human and fallible.Even better, is the fact that Janowitz crafted an entire cast of characters that click so well together the reader feels as if they are a part of the story. Take this cast and bring in a solid plot and a skilled writer and the tale tells itself, complimenting book one, Scot on the Rocks.I laughed, I cried, and enjoyed every moment of the book. This is a fabulous, hilarious and delicious novel that one can't help but gobble up like Brooke and a chocolate chip scone from Saks. I am still waiting for Janowitz to write a sequel... I want to know if Jack has to keep his Manolo promise or not. less
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Great story - enjoyed it from beginning to end. I was happily surprised with the ending!
A light and quirky read.
4.5 stars.
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