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Płukanie Ust Olejem. Detoksykacja I Uzdrawianie Ciała Poprzez Usta (2013)

by Bruce Fife(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 1
Studio Astropsychologii
review 1: If you can get past the blatant typos and misuse of some scientific terms (in an attempt to make the material more approachable I assume), the overall message of this book is good and easy to follow. I started the process of oil pulling before having read this book (or any book on the subject) and it was good to see some of the evidence to back up this therapy. Would recommend with the caveat: this text definitely needs some editing.
review 2: A friend told me about oil pulling about 5 months ago and I didn't pay much attention. So when I saw this book I knew I was missing out on something. I know Bruce Fife and have enjoyed a few of his other books. I believe he has a pretty solid foundation in nutrition. I skimmed over a chunk of this book (regarding specific
... more health conditions mostly), but the main parts I did read were fascinating (e.g. when diseased teeth from humans were placed in animals, the animal contracted the same physical illness - liver disease, joint issues, etc.). The history behind oil pulling offers up some good reasons to give it a go and the link between other density theories also is quite compelling. While the process itself has no research to back up any health claims, there are logical conclusions that can be drawn by just the basic facts known about the mouth and bacteria. With all that said, I have added oil pulling to my health regime, it is almost too easy not to! less
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another great book. Some overlapping of information between all of his books but very interesting.
I need to take the 30 day challenge & see it for myself!
Super interesting. Going to give it a whirl.
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