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by Cameron Jace(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 3
The Grimm Diaries Prequels
review 1: This is a wonderfully dark spin on an already dark tale. It has all of the same characters, while it is imaginatively different from the iconic tale. The characters each have their own vibrant personalities, complete with some cameos from other Grimm tales (which are fascinating to see interacting within the fairy tale world). The only complaint I had with the story is that Ladle didn't seem anywhere remotely near her sixteen years, especially with the childish repeating of words. I would have pegged her at eight, maybe even younger (which makes the story feel like it's geared at a really young audience, but then there's all the blood and violence which argues against). But beyond that minor complaint, the story is beautifully crafted and both Ladle and the boy were fan... moretastic characters and I dearly hope they are given more stories to come. A definite must for fans of fairy tales and the Red Riding Hood tale in particular.
review 2: This has been, and may be, my favorite of the Grimm Diaries so far. Not only was it the best put together of the vol 1 collection, but it felt the most original. The title seems random, until you read it a couple times. This is the first one where the story doesn't feel directly tied to the Snow White story, though she does make a brief cameo. So far Little Red, may be my favorite character in the series. less
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One of my favorites. I think it's an interesting twist on the classic Little Red Riding Hood.
Another good book with an interesting twist.
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