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Murder In Passy (2011)

by Cara Black(Favorite Author)
3.58 of 5 Votes: 2
1569478821 (ISBN13: 9781569478820)
Soho Crime
Aimee Leduc Investigations
review 1: This was my first Aimee Leduc book. I enjoyed the cast of characters and Aimee's relationships with them. I also liked the political tensions of the Basque terrorists which seemed very realistic. In this book, Aimee is working on clearing the name of her godfather who is suspected of murder. How she goes about doing this and how all the threads are tied up at the end made for a great mystery. ( Somehow, the writing for me had the same sensibility as Benjamin Black.)
review 2: I'm an addict for some crime writers. I like Black because she takes me back to my favorite city --Paris. And she's pretty good with the atmospherics of the City of Light. Her detective, Aimee, is clearly an attractive young lady with lots of intuitive brainpower and glamorous looks (somet
... moreimes there's a bit of chic lit that rears its ugly head). This latest effort is a bit heavy on the machine-gun rat-tat-tat prose which Black seems to have pioneered. But it's a quick read with, I hope, a surprise ending. Basque terrorism plays a role here, facilitating Black's praiseworthy efforts to give historic background and perspective to her stories. less
Reviews (see all)
I love this area of Paris. I've bought and read this book twice ( by mistake) and still enjoyed it
A fun foreign mystery set in Paris. I like to travel via books!
Good french murder mystery
very good mysteries
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