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Drowning In The Shallow End (2000)

by Charlie Mellor(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 5
9781495352 (ISBN13: B00GZZ9BW2)
review 1: An unusual and intelligent memoir, filled with elements of black humour about one man’s inability to let go of the past. This twisted tale tells the build-up to the author’s destructive relationship with a cruel and manipulative companion; the impact that their deception created and the damage that one single secret caused for everyone who found out about it. The parts about a Scunthorpe pub based in the UK reminded me of Stephen Fry’s Moab is my Washpot, while other bits were more like the Diary of Adrian Mole. Difficult to classify but very interesting.
review 2: I wouldn’t know where to begin in terms of how to position this unconventional book. Much more candid than the many so-called ‘misery memoirs’ out there. It is like Woody Allen meets Bre
... moreaking Bad’s Walter White. Although it touches on things like the modern day fascination with celebrity it’s also very much a life affirming story about human relationships. Unique and memorable. There are plenty of funny parts in the book, but it is also quite sad in places. Thought provoking stuff which I thoroughly enjoyed reading. Highly recommended – but watch out for Pennie Fenton!! less
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Straight forward no nonense excellent book!
Truly an astounding read!
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