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Christmas Catch (2000)

by Chelsea M. Cameron(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: This was a quick read about Ivy and Sawyer, high school sweethearts who see each other again after two years apart. I feel like the reasons behind their breakup isn't fully explained, I wish there was just a little more back story. Especially since it was obvious that they hadn't moved on and were both still in love with each other. The ending was kind of abrupt, I think a small epilogue would have been nice.I liked it, didn't love it, but if you are looking for a cute Christmas read, give this a try.
review 2: It’s official – I love Chelsea Cameron, she can do no wrong :) Christmas Catch captures the spirit of Christmas perfectly between it’s pages; the feel of camaraderie and belonging even when you aren’t with your family. Traditions and celebrations
... more aid the imagery and dynamic of the story. The spirit of happiness and joy emanates through the pages.Told in first person narrative from Ivy’s perspective. Having escaped her small town upbrining she is loath to go back, exasperated by the fact that she has to share her flight with her high school crush, Sawyer *swoon*. Ivy is a true romantic but has an idealistic picture of how a relationship should be in her mind and no-one has been able to live up to her expectations. She is truly a girl after my own heart, except I live in reality, lol. Ivy has dedicated her live to romance, her job as a food blogger encompasses all things love involving food :)Fate/destiny steps in by throwing Ivy and Sawyer together via a series of catastrophic yet completely hilarious incidents. As an outside observer, you can immediately see how perfect Ivy and Sawyer are for each other and how their interactions now and as teens had been misconstrued on both sides, but mainly through Sawyer’s teasing :) They are drawn to each other like magnets.Ivy has spent so long fighting for her ideal lifestyle that she has forgotten who she is at heart and the things that are really important to her. As the story progresses and Ivy’s eyes are opened to the reality of her lifestyle, she realises that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing; life is about balance and compromise. Ivy’s realisation paves the way for long overdue honesty between Sawyer and herself, fuelling the flames ;)I became so invested in the characters I couldn’t bear to let them go; wondering what would become of their relationship when they finally made it home. So much so that I lamented via twitter to Chelsea. You know what lovelies, there is going to be another story featuring Ivy and Sawyer *happy dances* THANK YOU CHELSEA *hugs* less
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Great little short story....makes me wish love and happiness were this easy!
Really enjoying this group of Christmas books.
was wanting a little more
Pretty good. :)
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