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Lamentation (2000)

by C.J. Sansom(Favorite Author)
4.46 of 5 Votes: 1
0316254967 (ISBN13: 9780316254960)
Matthew Shardlake
review 1: I adore the Shardlake series and this is a fine, possibly the finest, addition to the stories. We now inhabit Matthew Shardlake's Tudor world completely thanks to the atmospheric earlier novels, and the move into political intrigue is not unsurprising considering the history that it is so beautifully interwoven with. An intricate, dangerous and heart rendering mystery is cleverly unfolded by Sansom taking Shardlake, Barak and new boy Nicholas into the heart of Henry VIII's last months, as religious, political and personal alliances shift at the drop of a hat. I laughed , cried and spent every available moment devouring this tale. I'm sorry, yet relieved, that it's over and pleased that I can now reread it to fully appreciate its fine crafting without having to worry quite... more so much about its outcome. Highly recommended to all Shardlake fans. If you've never tried him, make sure you start at the beginning! (Dissolution)
review 2: Having enjoyed the Shardlake series I looked forward immensely to Lamentation and was not disappointed. It is enthralling from the word go, and fleshes out the intense political manoeuvring during the last six months of Henry VIII's reign. I find the characterisation much more nuanced than Hilary Mantel's and the entire narrative much more convincing. I guess one drawback of narration in the first person is that you know Shardlake comes through it unscathed, but that is a very minor quibble. Highly recommended. less
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Really enjoy the Shardlake series - highly recommended
Brilliant.! Couldn't put it down.
Really enjoyed
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