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X-Force/Cable: Messiah War (2010)

by Craig Kyle(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 1
0785131736 (ISBN13: 9780785131731)
review 1: I liked this story a lot, although i got a bit confused about the ending really. I didn't get the strand of the story that was about the time-travel that took x-force to the future running out. That made things quite confusing. I quite liked the big three way stoush between stryfe, cable, and bishop over this kid, although this arc suffered a bit from being a middle chapter and actually introducing more plots and characters rather than tying up a few. Still, i'm pretty keen to read second coming and hopefully see hope allowed to carve her own future not weighed down by the future... I also wouldn't know minding who her parents are!Hats off to the art as well- reminded me of the feel of the metabarons series.
review 2: The third act of a bad action movie: exp
... morelosions, huge guns, lots of yelling, mixed with a few good character moments. If the event had changed any part of the status quo, I think I would have liked it better, but in the end, Cable and Hope have to jump time again, X-Force is off to murder people again with more angst on their plate, and Bishop has sworn to keep doing what he's doing. I'm left with wondering why Bishop, knowing everything he does, never considered that maybe his role was to mentor Hope so she won't become evil. Because I'm starting to think all the attempts on her life are what are going to make her go evil in the future. It was a non-event, leading to non-resolutions and no real forward momentum for the story. less
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Sometimes I think I prefer villains to heroes. they are more interesting.
Pues la verdad es que no ha estado nada mal
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