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Le Rayon De La Mort (2010)

by Daniel Clowes(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 1
2915492891 (ISBN13: 9782915492897)
Éd. Cornélius
review 1: Daniel Clowes does some weird stuff. I don't know how someone who doesn't read a lot of comics would take it. Maybe it would be easier because you don't have all these ideas about capes and underpants and muscles and stuff. On the other hand, maybe someone who doesn't read a lot of comics would find his stuff just completely bizarre. I just don't know how integral it is to read some comics before really getting into his stuff.That said, I read this one in the middle of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago where they had a special Clowes exhibit. I went with family, and here are general CAM reviews:Mom: "The exhibits rotate. You just have to roll the dice, and sometimes you get lucky."Uncle: "This whole place could burn down and they wouldn't lose anything of v... morealue."If I could give one piece of advice to artists, make art that people can sit on. Seriously. There's nowhere to sit in these fucking places. You're standing there looking at a bunch of stuff piled onto a platform. I guarantee a sitting area that's also art would be the most popular exhibit in the joint.Anyway, I like Clowes, but it's hard for me to say why. He's a talented artist, for sure, and he's not afraid to go into a dark place. It's just not for everyone, I'm thinking.That said, if someone wanted to give him a try, I think this is one of the more accessible titles. See, do you see what I picked up at the art museum? That's an "accessible" piece. I'm smart as all shit now!
review 2: A couple of years ago I heard Daniel Clowes read from this in Boston. He read the dialogue in this quick, clipped tone that made everything sound dumb and funny. Personality wise, he reminded me of Kevin Spacey, a sardonic wise ass jerk. But not in a bad way.The Death Ray is pretty good- the use of comic strip short section/chapters still works really well. Still, he's been treading sad-sack adolescent dicks depressing lonely men 70's kitch for like forever now, and I'd like to see him do something new. less
Reviews (see all)
Awesome. I can't stop thinking about how great it would be to have a death ray.
Fighting for human decency, one death-ray at a time.
underwhelming, but maybe that's the point?
what the hell?
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