Game of Thrones S6, E6 “Blood of My Blood” Review

Blood of My Blood begins with some really cool visions that Bran is having which are mostly just flashes of key moments from previous episodes but there’s also a little glimpse at the Mad King which is nice. Bran and Meera are rescued by Benjen Stark who has been partly transformed but it is very nice to see him again after all this time.

Sam and Gilly arrive at Sam’s old home in Horn Hill and are greeted by Sam’s mother and sister who seem very kind. Gilly is just so overwhelmed as well which makes a lot of sense. The dinner scene is brilliant as Randyll Tarly is such a massive asshole and makes the whole thing  feel so unpleasant. Sam is so mentally tormented by his father it is pretty sad to see. It’s great to then see Sam run away with Gilly and the baby, they make such a sweet couple.

Mace gives the worst army speech ever in the funny classic Mace Tyrell kind of way and the Tyrell army storm up to the sept to prevent Margaery’s atonement. This bit is pretty damn tense but then Tommen emerges and reveals that he has made an alliance with the crown, basically the High Sparrow has manipulated Tommen to the point where now he is practically in control of the crown. This is a great moment as now there is no way to destroy the faith by force and they have pretty much won.

Margaery admits to Tommen that she has been putting on a facade all these years and it is left ambiguous as to whether she is being genuine here in her confessions or if she is playing the long game and secretly planning something. Walder Frey returns here as he wants to take Riverrun back from Blackfish and he still has Edmure as a prisoner, Walder even requests the help of the Lannisters. This is quite an interesting storyline that was also briefly set up in the previous episode when Brienne was sent to Riverrun to get the Blackfish and his army to join Sansa and Jon.

More scenes from the play in Braavos are shown here which are funny. Arya realises that she will not be an assassin and will always be Arya Stark so she saves lady Crane, whips out needle and runs away from the House of Black and White. The Waif is sent out to kill Arya – this should be a good confrontation. The ending consists of another one of Daenerys’ speeches but this one feels unnecessary as the dothraki are already on her side but it is still a decent scene.

Overall, this is a great episode. The Samwell, King’s Landing and Arya storylines have some quality scenes here in particular and other storylines have some interesting setup but essentially this is mostly a setup style episode.


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