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How To Fake A Moon Landing: Exposing The Myths Of Science Denial (2013)

by Darryl Cunningham(Favorite Author)
3.47 of 5 Votes: 1
1613125089 (ISBN13: 9781613125083)
Abrams ComicArts
review 1: I am shocked and saddened to see that this book has received so many positive reviews. This book glorifies the very thing that it purports to demonize: this book is an example of bad research in the extreme. Absolutely none of the authors "sources" come from reputable, scientifically-based, peer-reviewed journals (though, there are some primary sources, like government information). Considering his blatant attacks on science doubters and bad science in general, I found this lack of credible scientific evidence extremely disturbing. In fact, many of the sources that Cunningham cites are from websites with no discernible authority whatsoever. Many of these websites belong to obscure organizations that have no information at all about who they are or how they are funded. When... more this information is lacking, that is a huge clue that the website will contain biased and unreliable information. A great deal of the rest of his sources come from newspaper articles - and I'm gonna be sarcastic here - because newspapers always research diligently and never over sensationalize news stories [sigh]. Add to that Cunningham's easy willingness to throw in overly generalized statements and his own nonprofessionally-backed opinions and I'm just sad that there are people out there who will see this book as some sort of authority or as a message board for some kind of authority - THIS BOOK CONTAINS NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER - please keep that in mind when you read it. In case it matters (and naturally it will for some of you reading this), I believe that vaccinations are a really good thing and that the moon landing happened and that global climate change is a real thing that we can/do have an effect on - so for the most part, I agree with Cunningham. I just don't understand why he wouldn't use actual scientific data to support his arguments. Particularly since most of these subjects are things that have been examined in depth by scientists for many years and there is a great deal of reliable, accurate data out there to draw on.
review 2: This is a fascinating graphic novel-style illustrated science book about being "pro-critical thinking" that I think everyone should read. It really makes you stop and think about things, and reminds readers not to just take something someone says at face value but to do your own research and think critically before just blindly accepting what someone may say is a fact. Similar to the show Mythbusters (which the author cites in the segment on the moon landing), Cunningham explains controversial science topics and debunks the myths and conspiracy theories revolving around them. Topics covered include the "faked" moon landing (there is no evidence proving that it was a hoax), chiropractic (not so much that it's a hoax or fake, but that if practiced poorly it can lead to injuries--I'd never heard of this before and it really made me cringe), that the MMR vaccine causes autism (the original doctor who claimed this, was paid by a pharmaceutical company! And patented his own single vaccine to sell! So how trustworthy are any of his so-called studies?), homeopathy (that water can "retain the memory" of miniscule amounts of allergens put in it and diluted to next to nothing, and this can somehow cure an allergy), evolution, fracking, and climate change. He explains each scientific concept very clearly, with illustrations of course, and then the objections to it. The illustrations are cute, with posterized images of the real people included, and the author lists his sources at the end of the book. less
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I wish this had stuck to being strictly informative, and not so preachy. Still, it was interesting.
A great read if, like me, you wonder why so many people will believe anything but science lately.
Eye-opening and worrisome.
Review to come.
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