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Dospěju Až Umřu (2010)

by Dave Barry(Favorite Author)
3.75 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Thanks so much to Goodreads for this free book I won from their giveaway.I'm a huge Dave Barry fan. I've read most of his books. Dave Barry turns 40, Dave Barry turns 50, and all the other ones. I would suppose he's in his 60s now and he's still as funny. I read somewhere that he's the funniest man in America. I may agree.This book deals with essays of life as you get older. Colonoscopy, son's wedding, raising children, etc, as well as technology, the decline of newspapers and so on. I found myself laughing out loud through a lot of the book. At times, the humor is sophomoric (fart jokes, boogers, bodily functions) but it's always hysterical.Life is tough. Escape for a few hours and read this book. It will make you laugh.
review 2: Good, clean humor with some g
... morereat insight. This was the first book I've read by Barry, but it certainly won't be the last.He's very perceptive, witty and honest about a variety of topics. In this -very short- book, Barry covers a wide range of topics, like differences between men and women, cultural differences between New Yorkers and residents of Miami, America's obsession with celebrity gossip, religious views/differences, the insanity of American weddings, politics, much more serious topics such as cancer.One strange, but entertaining section was on the "Twilight" phenomenon. I was only able to stand reading about 50 pages of reading the first "Twilight" book before I gave up, but from what i read of it, Barry's mockery of it was dead-on; however, I felt that it was too long. Although Barry was obviously mocking the popular tween stories, I felt that even his mockery of the "Twilight" series became annoying. Clearly, that was his point, but he could have made his point in a shorter excerpt, given that the "Twilight" mockery took up 27 pages of the 149-page book. I loved Barry's views on little league/children's sports and how their parents react/ "encourage" or pressure them. I hope that more parents understand that - although it is great to encourage your child to do his/her best - clearly, placing too much pressure on young children to excel athletically can be extremely unhealthy to the child.One quote from the book: "I learned, for example, that even though I was not as big, or fast, or strong, or coordinated as the other kids, if I worked really hard - if I gave 100 percent and never quit - I would still be smaller, slower, weaker and less coordinated than the other kids. In other words, I learned that even though I enjoyed playing sports, I sucked at them. And understanding that you suck at some things is useful information in life. The world would be a better place if people were fully cognizant of their areas of suckage." (137).I think that quote nails it. Everyone cannot be #1. People need to learn that we will not all win everything, an that's ok.Overall, great book. I look forward to reading more from Dave Barry. less
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4 ½ stars. Fun. This guy is really good. I laughed a lot.Humorous essays on a variety of topics. Most of them were funny. But a few less so. The weakest ones for me were the one about writing a screenplay and Dave’s retelling of “Twilight” the famous teenage vampire story. It was funny at first, but he could have stopped after the first third or so. It became repetitive.The author did a great job of narrating the audiobook. Good timing with pauses. I didn’t have to keep stopping the tape the way I did with Woody Allen.DATA:Unabridged audiobook length: 4 hrs and 16 mins. Swearing language: religious swear words used once or twice. Sexual content: none, other than jokes about one’s private parts. Book copyright: 2010. Genre: humorous essays.
When I was little I would read Dave Barry's column every week in our paper. He's corny and silly but funny. I am the very weird 5th grader who got a book of his columns for Christmas and was overjoyed. This book - meh. Some of the essays were very funny - I did enjoy the How to Save the Newspaper Industry one. But others were very much like "Men are like this and women are like this" and it didn't always hit the mark.
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