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Dante's Numbers (2008)

by David Hewson(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 5
0230529356 (ISBN13: 9780230529359)
Nic Costa
review 1: In the seventh book in the Nic Costa series, Dante's Numbers is set in Italy and then to San Francisco, California. It all starts with the production of Inferno, a movie based on Dante's poem about hell. For Costa, who's morning the loss of his wife, Emily, they go on an adventure on finding out who kidnapped one of the actors. From there, things goes wrong--he ends up dead. Afterwards, they're in California, when there's multiple attempts to kill one actress, when other murders happen. It's up to them to make the connection to a classic Hitchcock film and who's behind the real mystery of the movie, while Nic falls in love with the leading lady. Lots of drama and intense action.
review 2: This is the second of David Hewson's books that I've read and it was, far
... more and away, dramatically inferior. I read the summary on the cover and it sounded interesting--a movie based on Dante's Inferno, a murder, mystery. It turned into a story about characters infatuated with Dante and Hitchcock's Vertigo. Huh? I couldn't believe it but that's what it really was about. I had such high hopes that were drowned in the bay. less
Reviews (see all)
This was not a good book. It seemed like a contractual obligation piece. Meh.
Good read, as alway's a good plot but please take me back to Rome.
Audiobook read by Saul Reichlin
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