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Revelation And Dust (2013)

by David R. George III(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
1476722307 (ISBN13: 9781476722306)
Pocket Books/Star Trek
review 1: Good-not-great. A good chunk of the book, about half, is taken up with a character's metaphorical Prophet vision, and while I'm happy the books have continued the intriguing mix of religion and politics that defined the Deep Space Nine series, I don't need extended metaphors and further sojourns into Bajor's distant past. With so much of the book taken up with that, only one thing really HAPPENS in the main storyline -- a huge event, to be sure -- but George only gets to set the stage for future stories, and fails to tell one himself.That said, it's nice to have an exclusively DS9 novel. After the eighth and ninth "seasons," it felt like the recent novels featuring the reconstituted DS9 crew were scrambling to keep up with the TNG books. Here, though, we have what feels li... moreke a full-on "season premiere"; we'll call it season eleven, with the assumption that the missing season ten contained the Ascendants storyline and the final fate of Taranatar and the Even Odds.Anyway, a promising start to The Fall and a promising re-launch for DS9, just not a satisfying or complete story in its own right.
review 2: I was very pleased to read about the "new" DS9 - and after a few books where Sisko was decidely not the Sisko I enjoyed from the past, it was also good to see him once again as a happy family man (admittedly they still have issues to go over - but that just adds to the characters).The death that occurs in this book would have been even more shocking if recent books hadn't had the tendency to kill of supporting characters that we have grown to enjoy... It is starting to get a bit depressing - you get to know a character over several books, and then he/she gets killed off. But at the same time you know the TV-based characters will survive (or come back as Janeway recently did, and as I expected). It is getting like the TOS landing party where a security officer, Kirk, Spock and Bones beam done - gee I wonder who will get killed - except now the books make sure we know a great deal about the "Red Shirt" so that we "feel" the death so much more. Sadly I think this is happening too often... I realise Space is dangerous, and people die in War - but I think we are having "shock value" for "shock value" sake. I think this story would've still worked well if the character in question was seriously injured...Anyway, I am still interested in seeing what happens next :) less
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One of the most boring books i have read. Very difficult to read through.
too many characters not in original television series and movies
It's a page turner....quick and enjoyable read.
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