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Vampire Zero. David Wellington (2011)

by David Wellington(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 2
0749954361 (ISBN13: 9780749954369)
Piatkus Books
Laura Caxton / Vampires
review 1: I'm a fan of the Vampire series by David Wellington and this was another solid entry. I will say that I wasn't a huge fan of the very end, but it sets things up very well for the next book in the series, so I'm willing to forgive. That said, I really want to see more of an emotional development for Laura. I know that her personality is that of avoidance of emotion and throwing herself into her work, but after so long, and everything she's seen, it feels like she should have made a bit more progress emotionally by now. Still, very enjoyable, good action, good gruesome vampire-ness, and a good and emotional ending (even if I did want it to be a little different).
review 2: This is a cat-and-mouse duel between the best vampire hunter around, Jameson Arkeley, who,
... moreunfortunately, is now a vampire (a very smart and powerful one) and his protege, Laura Caxton. The challenge posed by the book is how can the student beat the teacher when the teacher taught her everything she knows?Author David Wellington writes a tightly plotted story, so the reader sees and supports every move Laura makes, and then shares in the experience of getting hammered because Arkaley is two steps ahead of her at every turn.There's a lit bit too much luck and contrivance in the climactic showdown between Laura and vampire Arkeley, but I suppose that was necessary if Wellington wanted to continue the series -- at least with Laura as a living protagonist. less
Reviews (see all)
I think I'm almost tired of Mr. Wellington's vampires.
Really struggled with this one. Not that great a read.
library book due 6/4/09
Great series so far.
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