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Celtic Storms (2012)

by Delaney Rhodes(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 1
1470018926 (ISBN13: 9781470018924)
Delaney Rhodes Publishing
Celtic Steel
review 1: Wish I could give this 0 stars.Is this book self published? The author really needs to invest in an editor.Why you ask? Well:1) The grammar was all over the place.2) There were ridiculous spelling mistakes ie waste instead of waist 3) The characters were inconsistent - The heroine is supposedly so mature, wise, smart she solves disputes as a judge, has the loyalty of the clan, and would be 'laird' if the other clans could accept her gender. BUT she doesn't believe, even when she is repeatedly told, that Breaden and Mavis aren't Patrick's (the hero's) son and mistress. Patrick tells her, her uncle (who she apparently trusts) tells her and her sister even tells her Breaden looks like their father (not Patrick!!!).Then Patrick himself - he is traumatised from from his mothers... more death, doesn't speak for 3 years after, and still stutters when he speaks out loud. He hates being teased and doesn't have much to do with the ladies, and yet when he meets the heroine he is suddenly a different character. He smiles at her, laughs, teases her, generally behaves very confidently, and is very sure of how she feels towards him. The only characteristic he maintains is his stutter. Then we find out he is also one of the 3 last dragon druids, and very talented.4) there are jarringly modern phrases eg 'Get out of my head'5) There are actual mistakes in the book eg in the beginning, we are told the heroine and her sister are both 17 with her sister 10 months younger than her. Then just before her wedding, the heroine talks about how she is unmarried at 19 and this is approximately 3 weeks after we're told she's 17.The plotline has a lot of promise, unfortunately it didn't deliver. However I'm sure anyone who can ignore the above will enjoy the story.
review 2: Irlanda selvaggia e misteriosa...Nell'Irlanda del V sec. d. C. si incontrano le storie di due clan e di due persone forzate ad un matrimonio combinato... tra lande selvagge un po' inquietanti si dipana una storia d'amore e di magia... l'Irlanda è un classico dei romance, però, di solito è l'Irlanda del tardo medioevo o ancora più recente del '700-'800 quindi l'ambientazione di questo libro è piuttosto insolita e riporta davvero il lettore ad un medioevo lontano e tempestoso (in politica come in amore!)... less
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Great ready that leaves you wanting to read more!!
It was free for the Kindle.
It was ok - too short.
loved it!
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