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God Is Not A Christian: And Other Provocations (2011)

by Desmond Tutu(Favorite Author)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 1
0061874620 (ISBN13: 9780061874628)
review 1: I only gave this 3 stars not because of Archbishop Tutu's words but because of the format of the book. I may not have read descriptions carefully but I thought this was going to be entire sermons/speeches and was disappointed to find that it was merely excerpts strung together around basic themes. I enjoyed reading his words but I had difficulty really getting into the book as I kept feeling like I was getting cut off mid-thought and being hustled along to the next excerpt the author wanted me to read. Still n' all, it was a good overview of Tutu's thoughts and words. I just didn't get as much out of this book as I'd hoped.
review 2: Desmond Tutu is a tough guy. Fearless and dedicated to his people, Tutu was a remarkable agent of change during South Africa's ap
... moreartheid era. In this collection, he aired out his disappointments and warnings against repeating history as the government (as of 2009) began slipping back into familiar waters. He admits to being a repetitive man, and his essays do tend to repeat his frustrations and guidance, but they are no less valuable. His essays will give you a great deal of perspective on what to fight for and against, whether you are a Christian or an atheist. less
Reviews (see all)
Contradictory in the extreme. As a Christian I was saddened by the obviously flawed arguments.
An interesting book about Tutu's various speeches all over the world. Can't go wrong.
A strong man of great convictions. He is strength and humility!
About justice.
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